Go Fig Or Go Home for SFC!
As a small business, we're always looking for ways to give back to our community and support organizations who spearhead programs that...

Spotlight: SRSLY Chocolate
If you've had a chocolate-based ice cream from us in the last year, then you've tasted the genius of Austin-based SRSLY Chocolate. We...

Celebrate National Ice Cream Month with Cones for a Cause
We celebrate ice cream every day, month, and year at Lick Honest Ice Creams, but there is one month and one day of every year that truly...

Banana Nut Fudge: our hyper-local flavor of the year!
"How do you come up with new flavors?," inquire many. To answer this common question, we sincerely say, "that depends!" Sometimes new...

Spotlight: Austin Orchards
"We're gonna do this!" said Tim McCaskill to his wife, Pam, and so Austin Orchards was born. Merely 5 years ago, Tim & Pam attended a...

Thank you, 2016!
Is it just us or did this year seem to evaporate before our very eyes? It truly seems like it was only a week or so ago we were...

We're Hiring!
We're looking for somebody who loves ice cream almost as much as we do at Lick Honest Ice Creams. We're rapidly expanding our business...

Spotlight: Urban Roots
Lick Honest Ice Creams started with a strong belief in using pure, wholesome foods. It’s not only a pillar of our business, but also the...

Spotlight: Markley Family Farms
With childhood memories of sitting on his grandfather’s lap while riding around in the bucket of a tractor on their Iowa farm, you might...

Lamar Union
As bittersweet as it was to permanently shut our doors at the original South Lamar location last month, April has been an opportunity for...